Tim Cook reveals Steve Jobs’ most important career advice to him

Tim Cook reveals Steve Jobs’ most important career advice to him

Tim Cookcurrent leader of Applelearned a lot from his mentor Steve Jobs, the company’s co-founder. The innovative character left him a great series of teachings before his sudden death, giving him the wisdom to lead the global technology device company forward.

Cook, in an interview with GQpointed out some important parts of his day-to-day life and recalled a quote from Jobs that has helped him to lead one of the most valuable companies in the world.


Tim Cook recalls the most important piece of advice he gave him Steve JobsSteve taught me well: never marry yesterday’s convictions.

This phrase allows him to renew convictions, to admit his own mistakes and to be able to move forward, seeking “for thought to always evolve”.

“No one can be Steve Jobs. I think he was a once-in-100-years individual,” Cook also said.

A prevailing idea

Evolving and adapting is what’s driving Apple in its pursuit of a new virtual reality device, a rumor that has gained momentum in recent months.

But Tim Cook was not an advocate of this technology, “We always thought[virtual reality]glasses were not an intelligence move.”

The rumor is that an augmented reality glasses may be presented at the WWDC that will happen next June 5-9.

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Daniel Chapman