ChatGPT : Colombian judge uses it in collection case

ChatGPT : Colombian judge uses it in collection case

A judge in Colombia resolved a case on the right to health of an autistic child with the help of the ChatGPT robot, being the first sentence to be written from artificial intelligence in the country.

“It is a huge window, today it can be. ChatGPTThe judge in the case, Juan Manuel Padilla, said in an interview with Blu Radio this Thursday, “but in three months it can be any other alternative that allows to facilitate the drafting of texts and that the judge can rely on them, not with the objective that they replace him”.

This is how it was used

The ruling dated January 30 resolved a mother’s request for her autistic son to be exempted from paying for medical appointments, therapies and transportation to hospital centers because the family does not have the financial resources to take care of it.

Padilla ruled in favor of the minor and in the sentence reveals that he interrogated the chatbot ChatGPT to support its decision.

“Is the autistic minor exonerated from paying moderation fees for his therapies?”, the judge asks and the application answers: “Yes, that is correct. According to the regulations in Colombiaminors with a diagnosis of autism are exonerated from paying moderation fees for their therapies”.

The sentence records four similar questions and answers.

“We judges are not fools, just because we ask questions to the applicative we do not stop being judges, of being thinking beings”, explains Padilla.

The role of a secretary

According to the togado, ChatGPT does what was previously supplied to it by “a clerk”, “in an organized, simple and structured manner”, which “could improve response times in the judicial branch”.

But Professor Juan David Gutiérrez of the Universidad del Rosario contradicted him and launched the debate on Twitter. In a thread of messages the academic asks the same questions of the judge, but gets different answers.

“As happens with other AI in other areas, under the narrative of a supposed efficiency, fundamental rights are put at risk,” he warned.

Since November artificial intelligence ChatGPT spreads around the world with followers and skeptics.

Created by the Californian company OpenAI, the conversational robot works from algorithms and mountains of data.

Lawyers, engineers, journalists and other professionals wonder if this type of AI could replace them.

“I suspect that many of my colleagues are going to join this and are going to start ethically constructing their judgments with the help of the intelligence artificial“(AFP)

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Kayleigh Williams