Technology Chinese technology company Pico could not register its name in Chile ‘due to vulgarity Daniel Chapman 26 April 2023
Technology Apple wins appeal filed by Epic Games in its antitrust lawsuit Daniel Chapman 26 April 2023
Technology Microsoft closed a better-than-expected first quarter thanks to AI Daniel Chapman 25 April 2023
Technology The European Union defined the 19 digital platforms that will be subject to forced regulation Daniel Chapman 25 April 2023
Technology Russia launches its own artificial intelligence and it’s called GigaChat: claims to be open source Daniel Chapman 25 April 2023
Technology Artificial intelligence: Grimes announces that ‘anyone can use their voice’ to create songs Daniel Chapman 24 April 2023
Technology First study of the impact of AI in a real work environment: productivity improved by 14%. Daniel Chapman 24 April 2023
Technology Tesla gana un juicio en EE. UU. por piloto automático: justicia asegura que no tuvo la culpa en un accidente Daniel Chapman 24 April 2023
Technology Elon Musk’s father claims that there was an emerald mine in his family: the tycoon continues to deny it. Daniel Chapman 23 April 2023