Netflix will block computers that do not use the same WiFi network when logging on

Netflix will block computers that do not use the same WiFi network when logging on

Netflix Has signaled that it will block devices that do not connect to the same network. WiFi to log in to the same account.

This measure will arrive in March and has a single objective: to prevent users from sharing their password with people who do not reside in the same household.

Goodbye to shared accounts

To date, it was not known how to Netflix Was going to identify users who share their personal account.

Now, according to an update to the platform’s help center, the service will check whether the devices from which users connect to the account are connected to the same network WiFi and have viewed at least one catalog title from there. If this has not happened within the last 31 days, access will be blocked.

“People who are not part of your household will have to use their own account to view. Netflix“, it reads.

To avoid being penalized, users will have to log in to the same network WiFi from the website or mobile application.

Other mechanism

In addition to the WiFi, Netflix will also periodically check IP addresses of users, to know from which location each profile connects.

These measures are expected to start expanding worldwide from March and April of this same 2023.

Last year Netflix began testing ways to “monetize account sharing” after posting its biggest subscriber losses in a decade. In addition to password sharing fees, Netflix also launched cheaper ad-supported subscriptions, hoping to entice more people to pay if they don’t have to pay as much.

“Although our terms of use restrict the use of Netflix to a household, we know this means a change for members who share their password with other households. As such, these members will have the option to pay a little more if they want to share their password with people who don’t live with them,” the streaming service said.

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Kayleigh Williams