Mobile Internet: Which are the fastest operators in Peru?

Mobile Internet: Which are the fastest operators in Peru?

Ooklathe company responsible for SpeedTesthas revealed the results of its evaluation of mobile connections during the first quarter of 2023 in Peru.

Peru dropped in the overall ranking to 111th place, with median mobile speeds of 18.03 Mbps upload and 12.47 Mbps upload.

The fastest operators in Peru

Claro takes first place in the first quarter 2023 measurement in Peru with median speeds of 22.39 Mbps.

Entel (16.02 Mbps), Bitel (15.85 Mbps) and Movistar (15.48 Mbps) are close behind in second place.

The most consistent operators in Peru.

SpeedTest also measures the consistency of the mobile networks. Under this test, it takes into account test results showing at least 5 Mpbs downstream and 1 Mbps upstream.

In this section, Of course achieved 78.4% consistency with Bitel close behind with 76%.

Both Movistar (73.3%) as Entel (71.6%) also have good results.


Daniel Chapman