The engineer Elon Musk hired to create a rival to ChatGPT was arrested for domestic violence.

The engineer Elon Musk hired to create a rival to ChatGPT was arrested for domestic violence.

The aspirations of Elon Musk to establish a competitor to Open AI y ChatGPT are at risk.

Igor Babuschkin, one of the recruits from Twitter to create a rival to ChatGPTwas arrested in March by police in Palo Alto, California.

Babuschkin was arrested on March 6 in what was classified as a “domestic violence incident,” stated Insider.

The brand-new recruitment of Twitter was released that same night after posting $10,000 bail.

The incident resulted in a “minor injury,” said Brian Philip, a Palo Alto police lieutenant.

What does Twitter say?

Insider reached out to Babuschkin y Elon Musk and received no answers on the case.

By sending an e-mail to the press page of Twitter, received the automatic reply of an excrement emoji, a company policy.


Daniel Chapman