At least five dead, six wounded in shooting inside Kentucky bank

At least five dead, six wounded in shooting inside Kentucky bank

At least four people have been killed and eight more have been injured, two seriously, Monday in a shooting inside the Old National Bank building in downtown Louisville, in the U.S. state of Kentucky. The shooter, who used an AR-15 rifle, died at the scene, police said.

The chain CNN just reported that the attacker could be a former employee of the branch bank branch that was robbed. Police are trying to determine whether the shooter was killed by gunfire from officers who arrived at the bank or from his own weapon, an AR-15 model rifle.

Police received notice of the shooting at around 8.30 local time (14.30 in Spain) at 300 East Main Street in Louisville and reported through its social networks an alert “for an incident” in the center of the town. In view of what happened, he asked the population to stay away from the area.

Local police and FBI agents were dispatched to the scene, where authorities initially reported an “active shooter.” Less than an hour later, they confirmed that the alleged assailant had been “neutralized.”. He was later reported dead at the scene.

About two and a quarter hours after the shooting, the Police have explained through their Twitter account that. the danger has passed and has urged neighbors to call an anonymous hotline if they have information about what happened.

Police at bank robbed in Louisville.
Police at bank robbed in Louisville.

The injured have been transported to University Hospital in Louisville, although their condition has not been released. Among them are two police officers who came to neutralize the attacker..

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has announced on social media that. is on his way to the scene and asked for “prayers for all the families affected and for the city of Louisville”. The local mayor, Craig Greenberg, has reminded residents to stay away from the area.

The city council has installed An office to assist the families of the shooting victims. at the Kentucky International Convention Center where they can go for information and assistance.

Kayleigh Williams