Apple: Baidu sues App Store over Ernie chatbot counterfeits

Apple: Baidu sues App Store over Ernie chatbot counterfeits

Baiduthe Chinese company that owns the popular search engine of the same name, has sued Apple and the most prominent mobile application developers from App Storethe firm’s digital store for devices with iOS. The Asian giant’s firm took legal action against the Cupertino firm for the counterfeits of its Ernie chatbot that are present on the platform.

As the agency report points out. Reutersthe chatbot Erniewhich was launched last March, is considered the closest Chinese answer to ChatGPT from the US firm OpenAI. Baidu has filed lawsuits in the Haidian People’s Court in Beijing against the developers of its counterfeit bot applications. Ernie and the application store of Apple.

Baidu and Apple at odds over AI.

During the presentation of their case, Baidu urged that the availability of its chatbot Ernie on mobile devices via an official application has not yet been given, so any software that can be found in digital stores for these devices are fake and should be removed immediately.

“At present, Ernie does not have any official application. Until the official announcement from our company, any application of. Ernie to see in App Store or other stores is fake”he said Baidu in a statement posted late Friday on its official Baidu account. WeChat “Baidu AI”, where he also shared a photograph captured during the court filing.

As indicated by. Reutersthere are still at least four applications with the bot’s name in Chinese. Ernie in the App Store from AppleThese are fakes of the platform. The Ernie bot is only available to users who request and receive access codes. In their statement, Baidu also warned against selling access codes. For the time being, Apple has not commented on this new lawsuit.

About Ernie, Baidu’s chatbot.

Ernie Bot is an artificial intelligence language model from the Chinese company. Baidu and was the first major rival of the popular ChatGPT which comes from the Asian giant. The Chinese chatbot was shown officially in a presentation that lasted more than an hour in mid-March, with disappointing results.

Ernie Bot must have been the Chinese counterpart of the U.S. company’s platform. OpenAIbut it failed to live up to the hype during its first tests. Baidu showed pre-recorded videos of Ernie Bot performing mathematical calculations, speaking Chinese dialects, and generating videos and images based on text commands, but it didn’t generate much enthusiasm, as summarized by Kai Wanganalyst of Morningstar.

“It seems like the presentation was more of a scripted monologue. It was not the interactive session people were expecting. There was also no approximate release date.”said the specialist.

The actions of Baidu at Hong Kong fell 10% while the company’s CEO was making the presentation and closed down -6.4%. This meant a loss in value of US$3 billion for the equivalent of Google in China. Unlike ChatGPTwhich can be used by anyone, Ernie Bot is limited to guests.

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Daniel Chapman