Bill Gates: Restaurant closes to receive him and only orders soda pop

Bill Gates: Restaurant closes to receive him and only orders soda pop

Spanish chef and Masterchef judge, Jordi Cruztold a curious anecdote that he had with Bill Gatesco-founder of Microsoft and one of the most powerful men on the planet.

In conversations with ‘Planeta Calleja’, the chef pointed out that Gates visited one of his famous restaurants called. ABaCwhich has three Michelin stars. When he arrived, he only ordered a soda.


Jordi Cruz points out that he closed the entire restaurant to make Gates – and his 25 escorts – feel more comfortable.

However, already on the premises, Gates “ordered a light cola and went to catch his plane.”

“We had prepared the best dishes for him to eat,” Cruz refers to the media. “Do you think you have to close a good place to come and have a cola?”.

“There are people who have money, who are a little fed up with everything and value it less,” the chef finished.

Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world

Bill Gateswith a net worth valued at $106.1 billion, separated from Melinda Gates in May 2021 with the divorce finalized in August 2021. The couple continues to work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, from where they seek to change the world.

One example is the project, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, part of the climate initiative that the entrepreneur has been carrying out along with others such as Jeff Bezos and which is based on investing in new technologies such as advanced conductors and superconductors and cables that use state-of-the-art materials to get more energy from smaller lines.

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Kayleigh Williams