ChatGPT: Amazon working on similar AI, says CEO

ChatGPT: Amazon working on similar AI, says CEO

ChatGPT continues to be the talk of the tech industry, so it’s always a good time for the industry’s top representatives to talk about it. Andy Jassycurrent CEO of Amazonintervened in the conversation about the artificial intelligence generative and on the platform of OpenAI in a new interview.

In a new conversation with Financial Timesthe businessman mentioned that “what’s possible with generative artificial intelligence is exciting and is part of what you’re seeing with models like ChatGPT. However, he also noted that “most of the large, deeply technical companies (such as Amazon), have been working on these models of IA generative very large by themselves for a long time.”.

Generative AI originated before ChatGPT.

While Amazon already has technology from artificial intelligence and machine learning such as voice assistant Alexa y CodeWhisperera code recommendation generator, enthusiasts of the company founded by Jeff Bezos still fear that the tech giant is falling behind in the generative AI department, the portal indicated.

Specifically, generative AI refers to algorithms trained to produce new text, images, code, video or audio. Microsoft Is clearly in the lead and has gained a lot of ground in this area.”he stated Matt McIlwainmanaging director of Madrona Venture Group -one of the first investors in Amazon– al Financial Times in an interview.

Also, Mcllwain added that Amazon needs to be aware of the trend toward intelligent and generative applications, stating that it “must have a strategic response” to ChatGPT and other possible platforms to be launched in the coming years.

Amazon defends its position in the AI market.

Andy Jassy noted that Amazon is also looking for opportunities to partner with smaller companies to develop this area of the business, but was reluctant to share details in the interview. One of these would be Stability AIa competitor of OpenAI which recently declared the company as its “preferred cloud partner” for training and building its AI models.

As we well mentioned, the inroads of Amazon in generative AI include Alexa, launched in 2014. David Limpsenior vice president of devices and services for Amazonmentioned to the newspaper Times of London that the company is improving its voice assistant to make it more conversational because it is currently very “transactional” and can only answer questions.

In addition, Limp noted that although ChatGPT is a “healthy competitor” of Alexalacks the personality, memory and knowledge that Alexa currently has. “If you asked Alexa details about the World Cup, who scored which goal in which match, Alexa would know. Real-time knowledge is just as important as the ability to write a script, something that ChatGPT does quite well. Alexa is pretty personalized these days. It remembers things like your favorite music.”, the executive said.

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Kayleigh Williams