Tropical storm Oscar could cause a cyclone in the United States and heavy rains in the Canary archipelago

Tropical storm Oscar could cause a cyclone in the United States and heavy rains in the Canary archipelago

After a train of squalls that has left rains in the Peninsula during the last weeks, the squall Óscar enters the scene. This one could leave heavy rains in the Canary archipelago, but could affect even more the USA. According to the National Hurricane Tracking Center (NHC), this phenomenon could become a tropical cyclone.

The U.S. agency has issued an advisory stating that there is a “possibility” that this squall could evolve into a subtropical cyclone over the Atlantic area over the next few days. However, the NHC has stated that this is a probability “low”.

According to these estimates, by the end of the week, Óscar could move toward areas of colder waterswhich would reduce the possibility of it becoming a hurricane.

Alert in the Canary Islands

This alert coincides with that of the Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior, which have warned of possible heavy rains and intense winds. These could especially affect the area of the Canary archipelago.

According to these alerts, this phenomenon could bring to Spain considerable gusts of wind, with speeds of 70 kilometers per hour. In the northwest of La Palma and Tenerife there could be gusts of up to 90 kilometers per hour.

The first forecasts indicate that this squall could also affect the west of the peninsula, remaining several days in the Balearic area, although with a milder storm than in the Canary Islands. Therefore, Civil Protection recommends securing doors, windows and any object likely to fall into public roads.

Kayleigh Williams