The hoax that the photo of Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the Moon is “a montage”.

The hoax that the photo of Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the Moon is “a montage”.

On April 14, the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully launched the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) spacecraft, a probe that will collect data from Jupiter’s satellites in what is already a milestone in the history of space exploration. But even if the European agency aims its sights beyond the largest planet in the solar system, disinformers claim that mankind has not even set foot on the surface of the Moon.

It has gone viral on social networks a comparison between the image of Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the lunar surface versus the soles of his astronaut suit. A footprint that would not match, and that would show that in reality the arrival on the Moon in 1969 was not real.

The Moon landing hoax.
The moon landing hoax.

But it’s a hoax. The image of the footprint on the lunar soil in reality. belongs to Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong’s partner during this space mission.

Moon footprint hoax.
Moon footprint hoax.

In addition, the image disseminated of the astronaut’s suit. does not include the boot covers that the crew wore on top of their space suit.and with which they stepped on the Moon on July 20, 1969. The U.S. National Air and Space Museum preserves the lunar boot covers that Armstrong and Aldrin wore during their training, and whose soles match those of the Apollo 17 mission. Specifically, the soles match those worn by Aldrin as he stepped off the lunar module during the 1969 landing on the Moon.

Moon footprint hoax.
Moon footprint hoax.
Moon footprint hoax.
Moon footprint hoax.

Therefore, is a hoax that the footprint of Armstrong’s first footprint on the Moon is a “hoax”. The footprint that appears in the images that are disseminated are of his partner Buzz Aldrin, not Neil Armstrong, and the footprint coincides with the boot covers they both wore to set foot on the Moon.

Kayleigh Williams