Quite reasonable similarities drawn between ‘Star Wars’ characters and the audience of a field hockey game

Quite reasonable similarities drawn between ‘Star Wars’ characters and the audience of a field hockey game

It is already common to find videos of U.S. games, whether soccer, basketball, or in this case field hockey, on the networks of how the directors of the cameras of these competitions take similaritiesquite reasonable, between the assistants and actors or even cartoons.

On this occasion it can be seen how in this field hockey match. they compare the audience with real actorsand not so real ‘Star Wars’ actors. Anakin Skywalker, BB-8 or Chewbacca are some of the parities.

The video already counts on TikTok cwith more than 15 million views, almost a million likes. and more than 5,000 comments: “The one of Chewbacca looked more like Hagrid from Harry Potter”, says one of them.

Kayleigh Williams