God of War, TV series work is still at an early stage

God of War, TV series work is still at an early stage

Among the many video game adaptations for the small and big screen in the works at PlayStation Productions is not only Twisted Metal, which could be released as early as this year, but also God of War. A few months ago it was officially announced that Amazon would be in charge of producing a TV series of Sony Santa Monica’s 2016 title, and today we have a status report.

Katherine Pope, president of Sony Pictures TV Studios, recently revealed in an interview with Deadline that work on the God of War TV series is still at an early stage. In addition, in Pope’s words, Sony will try to maintain all the values that made the game famous.

“Here is a very important IP, we are working on God of War, the PlayStation title, which is still in the early stages. I know the game quite well and I’m very impressed with what they’re already doing in terms of world building and expansion, keeping all the values of the game but also expanding it so that if you don’t know the title, it will still be a great TV series to watch,” Pope said.

“That’s always the challenge of adapting an intellectual property-I think people think it’s easier to develop from an intellectual property, but in many ways it’s more difficult than having an original idea, because you have to know the basics, what are the core pieces of the source material,” he added.

These weeks the TV series of The Last of Us produced by HBO is airing and receiving resounding success worldwide. Most likely Sony wants to achieve the same result with God of War, and we hope it will happen in the future.

Kayleigh Williams