Journalist is killed while reporting from the scene of a shooting in the U.S.

Journalist is killed while reporting from the scene of a shooting in the U.S.

A journalist has died and another is seriously injured after a shooting in the state of Floridain the United States, which has also left two other people dead, among them a nine-year-old girlThe local authorities have confirmed the identification and arrest of the only suspect, according to local authorities, who have confirmed the identification and arrest of the only suspect.

The deceased is the reporter of the Spectrum News 13 Dylan Lyonsonly 24 years old, as confirmed by the media. The photographer who accompanied him, Jesse Walden, remains seriously injured. In a statement, the network said its condolences to the familyThey hope that the injured worker “will make a full recovery”, although they did not say anything more about his state of health.

Journalists were at the scene, in Orange County, reporting on a homicide that occurred hours earlier in which the suspect allegedly killed a young woman. In the ensuing confrontation with police, several shots were fired, hitting both journalistsas well as a woman and her nine-year-old daughter, who also died.

The suspect in the homicide is 19 years old

The suspect in police custody is Keith Melvin Moses, a 19-year-old man who, Orange County Sheriff John Mina has explained, Has a “lengthy criminal history.”. “He knew the woman killed this morning, but as far as we know so far he had no connection to the journalists or to the mother and her nine-year-old girl,” he added.

Mina, moreover, has expressed that. Has been a “hard day” for the well as for the journalistic profession. “We work together with all of you, we know you, and we know the complicated and important work you do,” he told the journalists present at the press conference.

The White House spokeswomanKarine Jean Pierre, has expressed her condolences to the families of the victims through a statement on social networks. Also the sheriff of neighboring Polk County, Grady Judd, has asked media professionals in his area that “if you find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe, please call and we will send help to protect you,” adding that greatly appreciate “the work they do.”.

Kayleigh Williams