Monaco’s casinos mobilize for more responsible gambling
In 2022, the image of casinos is tarnished by gambling addiction, a phenomenon that affects more and more people. The Société des Bains de Mer (SBM) is aware of the need to tackle this public health problem, but also wishes to keep its customers and provide them with pleasure above all else, and has been taking the bull by the horns for several years now!
The Société des Bains de Mer involved in the fight against gambling addiction
It has been several years since the Société des Bains de Mer has been involved in the fight against gambling addiction. Thus, in July 2017, the Monegasque casinos joined the European Casino Association (ECA), a structure whose objective is to improve the image of the casino sector in the old continent. Two years later, in December 2019, they even received a certification awarded by an independent French auditing firm, which confirms the proper application of the ECA charter within the establishments of the Monte-Carlo SBM Group.
In addition, since February 2020, SBM has been communicating openly about gambling addiction to its customers. As holders of a “responsible gambling” certification, Monaco’s casinos have already put in place several campaigns to prevent and combat gambling-related excessesTheir objective is to establish a healthy and lasting relationship with their customers.
In the specific area of prevention of gambling addiction, SBM’s management, in collaboration with the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco, has implemented concrete measures including the education of gamblers through the distribution of dedicated flyers and the creation of a hotline.
Raising awareness via SBM’s website, training of its staff
Another action aimed at raising awareness among players about the harmful effects of excessive casino gambling is the integration of a free test on the SBM website. As a first step towards awareness, the test entitled “Test your pleasure” invites the player to answer a series of questions about their gambling habits (frequency of gambling, amount of money spent, amount borrowed, etc.). At the end of the test, there are four possible outcomes, which correspond to a type of profile: “No problem gambler”, “Low risk gambler”, “Moderate risk gambler” and “Excessive gambler”.
Finally, SBM casinos train their staff with the utmost care. This ensures that all employees who come in contact with customers are able to detect risky behavior. ” These commitments have been made by the Sea Bath Company without any legislative requirement. Our philosophy is to provide only entertainment and pleasure to our customers “, recalls the Monte-Carlo SBM group.