The Exit 8 will receive a live-action film in Japan in 2025

The Exit 8 will receive a live-action film in Japan in 2025

Japanese production company TOHO announced today that it is working on a live-action film of The Exit 8, a horror title by indie developer Kotake Create that last year stood out for its gameplay.

For the uninitiated, The Exit 8 is a game in which we will have to try to find our way out of a Japanese subway station. The mission is simple, but soon we will find ourselves inside a loop from which it would seem to be impossible to get out. The only way to get to safety is to take courage and unearth special phenomena that will mark the way back to the surface.

At the moment we know virtually nothing about The Exit 8 film except that it will be released in 2025 in Japan. TOHO has also released a first trailer of the adaptation visible at the bottom of the news.

“I never expected anyone to announce a movie a year after the release of the game, so I’m really happy,” The Exit 8 creator Kotake Create said in a press release. “When they told me about the movie I wondered how they would adapt a game with no story, but I think they managed to make something interesting without compromising the world and atmosphere of The Exit 8.”

The Exit 8 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch.

Traciy Curry-Reyes