Shadow of the Colossus, the film has not been abandoned, according to director

Shadow of the Colossus, the film has not been abandoned, according to director

It’s been years since we last heard about the film from Shadow of the Colossus: Team Ico’s game adaptation was announced in 2009, and there were some staff changes until 2014, when Andrés Muschietti was chosen as director. Since then, however, there have been no particular updates on the project, which would nevertheless still be alive.

Speaking on Radio TU’s La Baulera del Coso program (via Eurogamer), Muschietti assured that the Shadow of the Colossus film has not been abandoned.

“I’m not a big gamer, but Shadow of the Colossus looks like a masterpiece to me and I’ve played it several times,” Muschietti said. “The movie has been in development for 10 years and now the possibility of making it is opening up.

“Shadow of the Colossus is a cult game, but to make a good movie there is a studio that puts up the numbers and says whether to give the director $200 million, $150 million or $100 million,” Muschietti added. “Of course I want them to give me $200 million, but that’s another factor to consider.”

At present, then, the issue would seem to be more about funds to kick-start production than anything else. It is not known to us whether the Shadow of the Colossus film is still a priority for Sony, but considering that it is not currently cancelled the chances of seeing it become a reality are not zero.

Traciy Curry-Reyes