He buys 50,000 lottery tickets with the same numbers and wins over €29 million.
A Chinese man tried a novel stunt by buying 50,000 lottery tickets with, astonishingly, the same numbers. This costly operation netted him 220 million Yuan, or over €29 million. Read all about it in this article!
An atypical operation makes him a multimillionaire
When we came across this news item from Casino.org, our first thought was that we’d read it wrong. Buying 50,000 lottery tickets is all very well (even if it’s not for the average person), but why buy so many tickets with the same numbers? The aim is to hit the jackpot, isn’t it?
No, it’s not.
Well, yes, but not in the conventional “usual” way. This player from Jiangxi province didn’t want to multiply his chances of winning the Happy 8 lottery jackpot, but he did want to win the Happy 8 lottery. multiply small winnings. In practice, by betting the same numbers over and over again, the player has played with volatility.
Either he won big, or very big, or he won nothing at all.
As luck would have it, this Chinese player picked winning numbers and secured 4,475 Yuan (approximately €580 in winnings per ticket). Multiplied by the 50,000 or so tickets the man bought, the total winnings come to around 29€ million !
A regular gambler and spender
This is not his first time playing the lottery, as he has been doing so regularly for over five years. He plays three or four times a week, spending thousands or even tens of thousands of Yuan per draw. As to whether he’s still a winner when all this spending is taken into account, it seems to be the case. It is estimated that that over the years he would have lost more than 1 million euros on the lottery.
This latest gargantuan win of €29 million puts him in the category of the world’s rare big lottery winners! A risky but profitable operation for the high roller.