In Saint-Amand, the location of the Partouche Group’s temporary casino has been chosen.

Despite the many administrative hurdles that have slowed down the expansion project at the Partouche casino in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, the project is finally set to go ahead! In mid-November, the establishment located in the Nord department of France plans to transfer all its gaming activities to what will eventually become its showroom.

At last a date for the provisional Saint-Amand-les-Eaux casino!

For security reasons, Pasino de Saint-Amand deputy general manager Charles Le Roy has not yet revealed the official opening date of the temporary casino, which will take up residence in the future Enrico-Macias auditorium. At least, not yet.

We’ll be announcing this forty-eight to seventy-two hours before the casino opens to the public. For the time being, all we can say is that the operation should take place around mid-November, if all conditions are met. “he explains.

The safety commission carefully inspected the 1,800 square meters of space where the initial casino’s 290 slot machines, 100 electronic roulette terminals and numerous traditional table games will be relocated. And there’s plenty to do, since the Saint-Amand-les-Eaux Pasino usually offers blackjack, Ultimate Poker and even battle, in addition to the aforementioned games!

Partouche: “The temporary casino will be exceptional enough”.

The transfer of games and machines from the Saint-Amand casino comes seventeen months after the start of work, which was considerably delayed due to supply problems caused by the war in Ukraine. But the words of the casino’s deputy general manager were particularly reassuring in June 2022: ” The casino, even if it’s only temporary, will be exceptional enough that visitors won’t want to leave it. “.

However, the future of the project remains uncertain. The environmental impact study imposed on the Saint-Amand-les-Eaux Pasino after the discovery of two protected plant species (even though they had been introduced by the casino itself), has cast a pall of doubt over further operations. ” We are awaiting the first feedback from the engineering firm that examined the environmental aspect, in order to understand what the implications will be for the project. “explains Charles Le Roy. As a result, phase 2 of the work, which was to have focused on the entire left-hand side of the building currently occupied by the games, is not about to begin at the moment.

In conclusion, patience remains the order of the day for those in charge of the Saint-Amand-les-Eaux Pasino, but the forthcoming opening of the temporary casino in the Enrico-Macias auditorium represents a glimmer of hope for gambling enthusiasts in the region. All that remains now is to wait for the official announcement of the long-awaited opening date!

Kayleigh Williams