towards a rebirth of the casino project in the spa town?

The municipal council of Digne-les-Bains took an unexpected decision at a meeting held on Friday October 13, launching the first stages of a public service delegation designed to operate a gambling establishment within the spa town. The project to launch a casino seemed to have been definitively abandoned in 2018, but is now making a surprising comeback. Read on.

The casino project comes back to life in Digne-les-Bains

The idea seemed to have been buried in 2018, the casino project is back with a vengeance in Digne-les-Bains, despite several setbacks in the past. The first deputy mayor, Francis Kuhn, was quick to justify the municipality’s desire to open a casino during a deliberation at the last municipal council meeting: ” The creation of a casino will contribute to the renewed attractiveness of the entire spa site, and offer a significant additional asset for customers. In addition to attracting more visitors, a casino generates tax revenues for the state and the town itself.“.

But why is this project resurfacing now? ” Quite simply because we’ve resolved the legal problems of the past. The tender was only decided last year. (with a new rejection of the chosen company). It took all this time to prepare the project, as the procedures were complex and time-consuming. “explains the first deputy mayor.

The planned site for the establishment is close to the Refuge des Sources, formerly known as the Tonic Hôtel, in Les Thermes. The town has no other viable option for a casino, as it only has a “spa” classification, meaning that construction would be limited to the area around the Pigeonnier.

The first invitations to tender have been issued, but…

The initial desire to launch a casino in Digne-les-Bains dates back to 2005. Serge Gloaguen was mayor at the time. ” At the time, the town was faced with considerable debt. We didn’t want to raise taxes and were looking for new sources of revenue. A casino seemed a viable solution “explains Francis Kuhn, who adds that, following a public consultation, almost 60% of residents who expressed their opinion voted in favor of a casino.

To date, the first invitations to tender have been issued, and groups such as Partouche and Barrière have shown interest. However, only Atoll Finances has met the specifications. The incumbent company is required to build the casino, while the property must be returned to the town after eighteen years of operation. ” The major companies refused this condition “says Francis Kuhn.

Work on the Digne-les-Bains casino is expected to start in summer 2025.

Kayleigh Williams