Royal HFC youth coach suspended after reports of cross-border behavior

NOS News–
A youth coach at soccer club Royal HFC from Haarlem has been suspended by the board. The club had received reports of sexual cross-border behavior online, reports the club. The trainer is also banned from entering HFC’s grounds.
According to the club, the trainer requested images of young members’ genitals via the social media platform Snapchat. Back in March, a report from another club where the trainer was active came in to HFC.
Not long after, the club received several reports of sexually transgressive behavior from the youth trainer. The club reported that “at this time there are no indications that this behavior has physically occurred.”
Two reports
HFC says it is shocked by the reports. At least four reports have been received, two of which have been reported to police.
The reports have been forwarded to the Institute for Sports Justice (ISR), which has begun an investigation. HFC further reports that the youth coach is no longer allowed by the KNVB to conduct training sessions or have contact with young members of the club.
Police detained the youth coach on June 7. In the process, according to the association, “the necessary digital information was secured.” The trainer is now at large, but remains a suspect in the case, police confirmed to RTL News . The members were updated this morning, reports RTL. The police, GGD and Victim Support were also present.
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