Trump promised “food for all” at a Miami restaurant… and left without paying

Former U.S. President Donald Trump emerged Tuesday from his appearance in federal court in Miami in the case of illegal possession of secret documents – to which he pleaded not guilty, and headed for the famous Cuban restaurant Versailles.
Accompanied by his admirers, Trump arrived and promised “food for all.”. However, the former U.S. president showed less impetus when it came to paying, since left the premises within 10 minutes of arriving without paying what he offeredaccording to Miami New Times.
During this short stay, Donald Trump was congratulated by all of his admirers on the occasion of his birthdayon his 77th birthday the following day. Despite the congratulations, the Republican ignored paying the bill.
Why did he go to Versailles? This restaurant is frequented by a number of politicians seeking to earn the favor with Cuban voters living in the city, says Miami New Times.
The Republican candidate has a long campaign ahead of him, possibly punctuated by additional court appearances in South Florida, so, the local media outlet claims, Trump will have plenty of opportunities to deliver on the promise Tuesday.
“I fight like hell to pay as little as possible.”
This is not the first time Trump has starred in a controversy related to his failure to pay. In some instances, he decided that the finished product he had contracted for was not worth the price that was originally agreed upon. “I fight like hell to pay as little as possible.” said the former president.