Is a lesbian a “non-man”? Controversy over the LGBTQ glossary published by the prestigious Johns Hopkins University.

Is a lesbian a “non-man”? Controversy over the LGBTQ glossary published by the prestigious Johns Hopkins University.

One of the most prestigious universities in the U.S., the Johns Hopkins Universitylocated in Baltimore County, has sparked controversy after releasing a glossary of LGBTQ terminology in which they have defined lesbians as “A non-male attracted to non-men.”

In the definition, which can be accessed at this. linka subsequent explanation to this new proposal to refer to persons identified with such sexual orientation.

“While previous definitions refer to lesbian as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary persons who can also identify with the label,” the glossary clarifies.

Definition of 'lesbian' according to Johns Hopkins University.
Definition of ‘lesbian’ according to Johns Hopkins University.
Johns Hopkins LGBTQ Glossary

Controversy in social networks

However, this clarification has not convinced readers on social networks. Among the most common messages from users, there are accusations to the glossary for “not being inclusive”, “exercising an erasure of women” and “lowering them to a category of inferiority. with respect to man.”

“Basically, this is to say that a non-person is attracted to another non-person,” added another user.

Kayleigh Williams