Police officer fired for punching a handcuffed woman who spat at him

A police officer in the U.S. state of Colorado punched a woman in handcuffs who spat at him. a punch to a woman detainee while she was handcuffed, and has been fired after a video of the event was released.
As reported by the portal TMZ.comLoveland City Police Chief Tim Doran released the footage, recorded by a body camera, which showed the officer Russell Maranto and his companions escorting the detainee, Angelia Hallto a hospital room on May 20.
The video begins with Hall positioning herself in a chair with her hands cuffed behind her back and appearing aggressive towards the police officersshouting and insulting them.
Agent Maranto rips a piece of paper out of Hall’s hand and walks off with it. As a result, Hall flips out and demands the paper back when Maranto returns to try to calm her down.
But the detainee can’t contain her anger and throws a spit at agent Maranto, who. then punches her in the face.causing him minor injuries.
Three days later, Police Chief Doran fired Maranto from his post and initiated an investigation into the incident. Hall was charged with assault for her actions toward Maranto. In addition, Larimer County Is weighing whether to criminally charge Maranto.