China builds first manned flying saucer

Flying saucers are no longer the stuff of movies, but aliens have not been in charge of making that happen; instead, their creators are in China and the USA. Researchers at Beigang University and Northwestern Polytechnic (Illinois) and the company Shenzen UFO Flying Saucer Technology have developed an electric prototype that takes off vertically.

The vehicle is capable of carrying people and recently made its first successful flight with passengers. The trip was part of a promotional event that offered a panoramic view of the city Shenzhen.
No,It is the world’s first electric vertical manned flying saucer!
📮June 3rd, #shenzhen,South China’s Guangdong Province .
The world’s first electric vertical manned flying saucer brought a performance.
世界首架载人飞碟深圳首飞– Record GBA (@RecordGBA) June 6, 2023
The company has detailed that the vehicle has six holes and that, in each hole, they have placed two propellers. That means that the saucer has a total of 12, which, they explain, “maximizes stability and safety with evenly distributed propulsion.”
In addition, its developers have noted that it is a vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle and can do so on land or water. Its trips can be from up to 15 minutes, at altitudes of up to 200 meters and at a maximum speed of 50 km/h.

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