Washington state abolishes death penalty and sterilization as punishments

Washington’s Democratic governor, Jay Inslee, has signed the bill into law that would. eliminates the death penalty in the state, as well as sterilization as a punishment.after both houses approved the measure earlier this month.
During the signing, Governor Inslee recalled that since 2014 the state has imposed a moratorium against the death penalty, a punishment, he denounced, that has been enforcing “in an unequal and racially insensitive manner.”, and that already in 2018 the state Supreme Court of ruled that it was unconstitutional.
The measure has been well received by civil liberties advocates and activists. in favor of abolishing this punishment, because like the Democratic governor, they argue that it is “arbitrary” and “discriminatory”, since racial prejudice plays a determining role in how it is applied, according to CNN.

For Republicans, however, such as Washington state Congressman Jim Walshhan the measure is nothing more than. “another sad example of the interests of criminals taking precedence over those of victims and their families.”he said on Facebook.
Since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, Washington state has applied this punishment five times. Meanwhile, as of April 1, 2022, there are still 2,414 people on death row in the United States, according to official figures. This penalty is legal in 27 states.