Arrested for shooting two cheerleaders in Texas who were mistaken for a car in a parking lot

Two U.S. teenage cheerleaders were injured by gunshot wounds after a man shot them after they tried to unlock the wrong car. in a parking lot.
The Elgin City Police, in the state of Texas, reported in a statement of the. arrest of a 25-year-old man, Pedro Tello Rodriguez.accused of having opened fire indiscriminately on a group of young women after one of them mistakenly tried to get into his car, thinking it was hers.
Two cheerleaders were hit by the gunfire and. one of them was seriously wounded in this event which occurred on Monday night.
One of the young women recounted what happened at a vigil held in her cheerleading team’s gymnasium, which was broadcast on social media and echoed by ABC News. As she explained, the young woman arrived at the parking lot aboard a friend’s car and went to change into her own vehicle. She opened the door of what she thought was her car and she found a man sitting in the passenger seat..

Realizing her mistake she apologized to him and returned to her friend’s car, in which four people were traveling – herself included – but the owner of the vehicle she tried to get into got out and attacked the young men. “I saw the guy get out of the passenger door, rolled down the window and I was trying to apologize to him“, but “he put his hands up, pulled out a gun and started shooting at all of us,” explained the girl, Heather Roth.
Tello was arrested hours later thanks to video surveillance camera footage. and was still wearing the same clothes he wore during the incident.
Third case in a few days
This is the third case of people injured or killed by mistake in the last few days. Ralph Yarl, 16, was in the wrong house. Thursday night in Kansas City (Missouri) when he went to pick up his two younger brothers, and the homeowner, an 84-year-old man, shot him, wounding him in the arm and above the left eye.
On Saturday, a young woman, Kaylin Gillis, died after accidentally accessing with her vehicle. into the driveway of a man, who opened fire on the car. These events have shocked part of U.S. society, which is calling for greater gun control.