Florida researcher to live 100 days underwater for scientific purposes

University of South Florida (USF) associate professor Joseph Dituri intends to live 100 days submerged in Florida waters to conduct medical research. and marine science research and study how the human body responds to long-term exposure to extreme pressure.
The mission Projet Neptune 100as Dituri has named it, began on March 1 and will end, if all goes according to plan, on June 9.
Dituri, who is 55 years old and a retired commander in the U.S. Navy with a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, has been at the MarineLab underwater shelter, a facility of the Marine Resources Development Foundation, since Wednesday.
“The human body has never been underwater this long, so I will be closely monitored.”
During the hundred days under the sea surface. he will live at 9.4 meters in a 9.2 square meter habitat located at Jules Undersea Lodge in Key Largo, Florida, indicates the University of South Florida in a statement.
The release explains that a medical team will document the investigator’s health, periodically immersing themselves in their habitat to perform a series of tests.
Will their health improve?
Before, during and after the project, Dituri will undergo a series of psychosocial, psychological and medical tests, and a psychologist and psychiatrist will document the mental effects of being in an isolated, confined environment for an extended period, similar to space travel.
“The Human Body. has never been under water so longso I will be closely monitored,” Dituri said in the statement.
Researcher believes his health will improve in the attempt and mentions that a recent scientific study concluded that cells exposed to increased pressure doubled in five days.
He believes that pressure has the potential to allow humans to increase their longevity and prevent diseases associated with aging
This suggests that the increase in pressure has the potential to allow humans to increase their longevity. and prevent diseases associated with aging, the release explains.
“So, we suspect that I’m going to come out as a super humanDituri said.
The former submariner also believes that the results of his mission will be. important for the future of space travel of long-duration space travel, including missions to Mars, as well as for undersea exploration, notes a Florida Keys News Bureau release.