The Correspondence of H.P. Lovecraft is published for the first time in Spanish

The Correspondence of H.P. Lovecraft is published for the first time in Spanish

Writing Against Men. Letters (I)by the American author H. P. Lovecraft, has been published for the first time in Spanisha legacy compiled and translated by the writer Javier Calvo, which is divided into seventeen chapters that focus on his literary career.

The publishing house Aristas Martínez has been in charge of publishing this work, which is the first to collect the literary production translated into Spanish of the American writer, one of the most influential authors of the twentieth century and whose name is synonymous with “the strange”, have highlighted from the publisher.

In addition, the Spanish edition of Writing against men. Letters (I) includes unpublished material with letters not yet published in the U.S.

Specifically, the selection and translation of these has been made by Javier Calvo, writer and one of the greatest Lovecraft specialists in Europe, who has also written a prologue to understand the importance of this correspondence.

By his account in this writing, it is estimated that Lovecraft must have. wrote about one hundred thousand letters during his life.. With these figures, correspondence would account for 99% of his literary production. “Therefore, it is not surprising that the entire world of this narrator resides in his letters,” he says.

This first volume, divided into sixteen chapters, focuses on his literary career. Thus, the reader will learn about his projects, goals and successes, but also his failures, his relationship with the literary circle or what he thought about the politics of his time.

Among some thirty correspondents, there are fundamental authors such as. Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long.

Kayleigh Williams