TikTok announces live trivia contests with $500,000 prize pool

TikTok announces live trivia contests with $500,000 prize pool

TikTok gave money a few months ago to users who started using Now (the ‘BeReal’ of their app). This strategy was a way to promote their new tool which seems to have been quite effective because they have decided to offer money again, although this time through Trivia rounds.

The company has announced that it will conduct daily live broadcasts between February 22 and 26 on its official account. In them, participants will be asked about different topics related to lifestyle, beauty, sports and music.

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As advanced by TikTok, a total of $500,000 will be distributed among the winners, who will have to meet two requirements: be over 18 years of age and be in the United States.. The online event will be hosted by James Henry, a content creator who has more than 4 million followers on the social network.

With this game, TikTok will test. a new feature available for live within the app that will allow users to try to guess the correct answer to the questions posed. In this way, consumers will get to know the novelty of the social network while being entertained and earning money.

In addition to Trivia on live streams, TikTok has been testing a tool that encourages live shopping in parts of Asia and in the US.

The company is looking more and more like YouTube, but it has also copied BeReal and Instagram.

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Kayleigh Williams