4-year-old boy’s tender reaction to seeing his face on a giant screen in a crowded stadium

4-year-old boy’s tender reaction to seeing his face on a giant screen in a crowded stadium

One of the most characteristic things that happens in the stadiums of the four major sports in the United States (soccer, basketball, baseball and field hockey) is the existence of large screens on which we see the faces of amateurs.

One of them has gone viral this week. He is George Miller, a 4-year-old boy who was caught on camera in the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, where an NHL ice hockey game was being played by the local Red Wings against the Vancouver Canucks.

The best part was that it was the first time in his life he had ever attended a game, and he would attest to this a banner that George’s parents had made. The detail did not go unnoticed by those in charge of the stadium’s entertainment.

The giant screen captured the shy look of little Georgewhose face was interspersed with shots of Canucks fans. The shyness of the child’s face eventually melted the hearts of the fans, who ended up chanting every appearance of the child.

The child finally responded with smiles to the undoubtedly unforgettable feeling that an entire stadium with almost 20,000 spectators of capacity was waiting for him.

Moreover, the joy was complete, because the Red Wings finished the game by defeating the Canucks by a final score of. 5-2.

Kayleigh Williams