Dead Space, John Carpenter thinks another director is working on a film

Dead Space, John Carpenter thinks another director is working on a film

Dead Space Will receive a major remake in the coming days, but will it ever become a movie? Officially no, although recent statements by a well-known director would seem to suggest otherwise.

Last October John Carpenter, director of such films as Halloween, The Thing and Fog, was asked if he ever thought of adapting a video game. “The only one I can think of, and I’ve already talked about it, is Dead Space,” he said. “That would be a really great movie. I could do that.”

In a new interview with Variety, Carpenter was asked if anything had moved on the subject. He responded by saying that he is not working on such a project, but “thinks” some other director is handling it.

“I’m a big fan of video games, so I’ve played all the games,” he said. “I was looking at the new digital cameras, RED, and I happened to mention that I would like to make a movie about Dead Space. It went around the world and everyone said, ‘Oh, when are you going to do it?’ I’m not going to do it. I think they already got another director involved. And they haven’t asked me to do it. So until they ask me, I won’t do it. But a new version of the video game Dead Space is coming out in January, and I’ll be in it.”

The Dead Space remake will be released on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series on January 27. If you have not yet pre-ordered the game (or have already done so), know that you will get a copy of Dead Space 2 as a bonus. Have you seen the launch trailer?

Kayleigh Williams