Detective Pikachu 2, the new film “is still in the works”

Detective Pikachu 2, the new film “is still in the works”

In 2019 it arrived in theaters around the world Detective Pikachu, the first live-action Pokémon film that starred Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu and Justice Smith as Tim Goodman. The film was variously successful, so much so that in the following months The Pokémon Company announced that it was working on a sequel. But what happened to this project?

According to a brief statement released by Legendary Entertainment to the website Polygon, Detective Pikachu 2 is “still in active development.” The production company, however, did not confirm who is working on it, while The Pokémon Company would not comment on Polygon’s questions.

In a recent conversation for their animated series Koala Man, Detective Pikachu screenwriters Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez said they are not involved in the project but would like to be. “It’s an ongoing conversation that still hasn’t concluded,” Samit said, adding that the situation was “complicated” and involved “a lot of big studios, Pokémon rights companies that we don’t know about.”

It is unclear how things are actually going within The Pokémon Company, but what is certain is that a second game in the series is still in the works. For Justice Smith, however, hopes of seeing the second film are slim.

Kayleigh Williams